27 Miller Farms Dr
Miller Place, NY 11764

Sometimes the cure becomes the problem…
Businesses take out merchant cash advances (MCAs) to resolve working capital issues. These obligations are aggressively marketed and are actually purchases of future sales. This means that they are not technically loans which are governed by the rules regarding the maximum amount of interest that may be charged. As a result, MCA payments (made weekly or daily) are extraordinarily high and can quickly become unaffordable.
Then the cycle of borrowing begins…
The first MCA often leads to a second, and the second to a third. Soon the amount of debt and the related payments are both staggering and unaffordable. The business owner is overwhelmed and experiencing dramatically reduced cash flow caused by the drain of making high MCA payments.
So how can Antson help…
Antson has partnered with a group of companies that specialize in different small business debt solutions. Each these partners are involved with one of the following four solutions:
Loan Restructure
Loan Consolidation
Corporate Reorganization
Funded Debt Settlement